20120119 Rossi interview follow up discussion

Presenter: SmartScarecrow and random Skype call ins
Estimated time: 30 minutes

Had a fellow all lined up to do my show on January 26th. Seemed like a nice fellow who had a pretty interesting gadget that lit up a bunch of LEDs powered by a hamster running on a wheel. Hey, when you are producing an alternative energy show and need experimenters who are willing to show off thier projects to keep your audience happy, you sometimes take what you can get! In any case, after seeing Andrea Rossi interviewed on The SmartScarecrow show, this fellow calls me up and tells me, No way I am going to follow Andrea Rossi on your show … maybe in a month or two!.

hmmmm ….

First of all, that paragraph above was intended as a joke! There is no guy with a hamster wheel out there lighting LEDs … at least I dont think so. If there is, have him contact me!

Second, I have to credit Sterling Allan of http://pesn.com with scoring the interview with Andrea Rossi. Sterling has had previous dealings with the man and Rossi trusts him. The only reason the interview was hosted on The SmartScarecrow Show is because I have the technical ability to do it and the big alternative media outlets could not schedule it in a timely manner. Thanks Sterling!

Third, all I can say is wow! I think the interview went very well. Sterling was very well prepared and Rossi, though he kept his trade secrets intact, was very forthcoming in his description of his plans for the eCat. Having listened to just about every interview the man has given, I think this one is probably the best one I have heard. The fact that it was broadcast live on The SmartScarecrow Show and published to the Scarecrow Labs YouTube channel is a matter of some pride.

The live broadcast was very well attended. We had about 40 logged into the chat room and as many 285 watching live on Justin TV. It appears that there may have been as many as 1000 watching the show from third party sites that echo the live broadcast. I think the last time I saw numbers like that was when Ozzie Freedom of Water for Gas fame was a guest on the show. So it was easy to get excited with so many live views.

Then the YouTube view count started coming in. Sterling had talked me into publishing the interview right after it was aired live. I sort of wanted to hold it back and use it as the feature presentation on the live show scheduled for January 19th 2012. But Sterling made a good argument so it was published to all on demand locations about 2 hours after the live interview was completed. Within 24 hours, I sort of figured out that I was going to need a new topic for the show on January 19th. Within 48 hours total viewer count was exceeding 5000. In just three days after publishing, total viewer count was well on its way to 10,000. When I checked this morning, views on YouTube alone was over 10,000 and its still climbing.

hmmmm ….

Ok, so the Rossi interview was a HIT it seems. I am not totally surprised as the technology Andrea Rossi is putting forward is exciting. It could be the game changer many of us have hoped for. And for all his flaws, Rossi comes off as a pretty sharp business man who knows how to put an organization together. So he not only has an exciting technology, he also has the business skills required to get right into fray and win against competition. The future of Andrea Rossi and his eCat could be very bright indeed. And if he is successful, many will benefit. And Andrea Rossi could deservedly nudge Bill Gates out of his richest man in the world seat. Go get em Andrea !!!

But this leaves me with a dilemma. I thought I had a really cool feature presentation to put on for the show of January 19th but at this point it looks like the on demand views have pretty much reached market saturation. A rebroadcast of the interview as planned would probably bore most to tears.

Ok … think fast … hmmm …

GOT IT !!!

Lets do a sequel !!! Just like Arnold and Stallone !!! yeah, yeah, thats the ticket …

Well, not really a sequel, but a talking head review. Rossi discussed some rather exciting news during the interview. Just the fact that they have figured out how to get it to work without a canister of hydrogen was news worthy. There was much to digest from the interview that required a little time to consider.

So tonight we talk about it. Participation from the live audience is hoped for. Would like to get opinions and ideas from as many as possible.

First, if you have not already seen the live interview, head over to YouTube and watch it – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RP5cG-36Bag

Second, if you have an opinion or just have something you want to get off your chest, add thesmartscarecrowshow to your Skype contacts list. The whole last half of the show tonight will be devoted to Skype call ins from live viewers. Hope to give as many as we have time for an opportunity to state their case. Hope we can discussion of the pros

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